Sunday, 8 April 2012


I align myself with my Christed I AM Presence and divine Guidance in my Sacred Space.
I align my Heart with the Heart of Mother Earth and the Great Central Sun.
I align with my Group in Service on the Unity Grid of shining Crystalline Light.
I offer myself in service of the highest purpose in Love.
I call upon the Hosts of the Sacred Fire, Master Serapis Bey and Angels of the Ascension Flame. 
I Am Ascension Flame. I Am pure White Fire. I Am Resurrection. 
I Am ascending body and soul in spirit. I Am ascending earth and humanity.
I Am integration of the four elements of nature.
I Am the divine union of the Christed Feminine and Christed Masculine Presence.
I Am the Threefold Flame of Love, Wisdom and Power.

See the earth bathing in pure white light and shining in all hues of the rainbow.
See and hear all life in its perfection, beauty and wholeness. 
Feel this all though every cell of your body, mind, soul and spirit.
Radiate out through your open heart and your shining aura.
Follow your own intuitive guidance and know when it is completed.
Come back to your own Sacred Space and be grounded in your body.
Go in Peace and in Love. 
Thank You for your Sacred Service.

About the Ascension Flame Ceremony
“Beloved Brothers and Sisters of Earth, with the great Love of my Heart, I send to each one of you who reads these lines the blessings of Luxor and Telos. Realize beloved ones, that never in the history of the Earth, has the opportunity for humanity to attain the freedom of their glorious Ascension been offered with so much ease and grace in this wondrous time of preparation for your planet’s Ascension.
An exceptional window of opportunity is presented to those of humanity who wishes to gain their spiritual freedom and who are willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen.”
Serapis Bey
Will a large percentage of humanity ascend by 2012?
Adama of Telos:
“Although there is greater assistance offered to humanity than ever before in Earth’s history, and the ascension process is made easier than ever before, none of you will be lifted into the Ascension process until you have met all the requirements and reached this frequency in your consciousness, no matter how long it takes in the cycles of time.
It will be required of those aspiring for Ascension that you heal and transform all your erroneous belief systems and embrace love, harmlessness and the truth of your divinity.
Realize that the year 2012 is not the end of the ascension cycle on this planet, but simply a wondrous beginning….”
Adama, would you describe the Ascension Flame?
Adama: “This Flame contains the frequency and color of all the other Flames. You see or experience it as a brilliant, luminous, white dazzling light that consumes on contact all that is less than the perfection of Love.  Its power and brilliance are limitless, sustaining world in perfect harmony and beauty.
Those invoking and working with it must prepare for change.
Once touched by that Flame, you are never the same again.
Everyone can work with it, of course, but in its full intensity, it holds the capacity to completely transform the initiate who has reached the doorway of Ascension.
It will propel you to the final step, when the fires of Love consume all human limitations, your full consciousness will be restored and all your bodies will align and unite. You will then be invited to join the “immortals” as an ascended master. You will step into that glorious spiritual freedom and consciously reconnect with Creator and with all that exists within His heart. This is, my friends, how powerful the Ascension Flame is.”
What is the Ascension Flame Ceremony? 
 St.Germain and Adama:

"At the Ascension Flame Ceremony you are invited to experience the Ascension Flame with help of beloved Ascended Master St. Germaine, other Ascended Masters and other Light beings of the 5. Dimension.

St. Germaine will provide to the group an atomic accelerator or Ascension chair, which is a gift to the Earth and to humanity.
It is a tool to assist in raising the frequencies of a candidate for Ascension and it contains the frequencies of the pure white light of the Ascension Flame.
It also can be used to raise ones vibration gradually and gently.
The cleansing process of all your chakras, the activation of your DNA and the preparation of the cells of your various bodies for physical Ascension are part of this magnificent process.
When the dial is turned on full force, it will literally lift someone into the vibration of the electronic body for full, instant and permanent Ascension into the light realm and fifth dimensional consciousness.
Be assured that until it is the right time for you to be raised to the full glory of the Ascension Flame, you will only receive increments of it each time these ceremonies are performed.
When the group is ready and the invocation of intention is made by Annette, Master St. Germain turns on the atomic accelerator.
What does it do?
All around and beneath the chair, there is an emanation of Ascension frequency that starts radiating outward.
The person sitting on the chair receives most of it according to their level of evolution and capacity to receive.
Allow a momentum to build with each ceremony and with each one’s intentions.
What you will be doing is creating little webs of Ascension Light everywhere on the planet that will gain greater and greater momentum as more and more people do this. This Momentum of Light will gain more and more power as the energies created all join together.
This great Momentum of Light and Ascension Flame that is needed to propel this planet and all of humanity choosing to ascend in a great swirling tornado of Ascension Light that will dissolve all darkness on this planet, fully restoring back every man, woman and child to the dignity of their divinity.
This is how darkness will be totally dispelled and swallowed up in a great victory of Light. But you have to do your part in your dimension, beloved children of our heart. It will not simply happen automatically without your contribution and participation, or just by wishing it….
We from Telos enjoy your ceremonies of Love and Intention so very much. Be assured that we and St. Germain also shall be with you every time, supporting and loving you all the way to your own victorious Ascension day.
Be in peace and love with yourself. Soon we will meet you in the arms of Love.”
Adama of Telos and St. Germain

> Many of you are trying to live in ways you believe you should; living out from ideas that come from religious and metaphysical books, or from the experiences of others. Release any and all concepts of how ascension should look, choosing instead to simply live in the now moment, accepting each day as a gift from the Divine within, while practicing living the Truth you know.
> See the Divine in others and remember who you and they are even if they themselves have no interest in knowing this. Do this for those you see on the news, or in your papers, or as you go about your normal day. Recognize the Divine plan in everything around you. These small steps gradually change your state of consciousness and lead to the full awakening. It will not appear as a huge blast of energy that blows you into a new world without any effort on your part. One is not "saved" simply by declaring it so. You create the new world with every thought, word, and action lived in truth and understanding of who and what is real. This is the spiritual journey. Yes, things on earth are speeding up now, and more and more opportunities are to be had for you to practice living each moment from a place of truth and centering, and that is how it is done.
> There will be changes you will soon see in your government and the governments of other countries. Many are going to be leaving and the more enlightened will be put in their place.
> The time is quickly arriving for those who have held back in doubt and disbelief to either get "aboard the ship" or leave. Higher dimensional energy will not support those who choose to stay in the lower frequencies. Many will be shocked by revelations that are soon to come out, but shocked as they may be, they must open their hearts to a new way of seeing and believing or be left behind. These seem like harsh words, but time is running short for the opening of consciousness to truth.
> You have worked very hard for thousands of years in the old three dimensional energy. It was a game played well, but never intended to go on forever. The game is over dear ones, it is time to get on with your journey into the higher energy of truth and the recognition of who you and all are.
> We ask all to send light to those people and areas of Gaia that are still resonating with the lower frequencies. Just send Light without specific intentions or strings attached, because the Light knows what is needed, it is Omniscient. See the Light flow out from your heart center freely given to those not yet aware of their own light. Your Light Source can never run dry, for it is infinite. As you see and flow Light to the world, you are not trying to change anything for when you try to change something you are in the third dimensional energy seeing from duality and separation. You see, in reality there is nothing to change for all is already One within the perfection of an omnipresent Divine Consciousness. Mankind in ignorance of this truth, has formed a world that appears much less than perfect. We are not saying that you are to sit back and say; "Oh well it is all illusion, so I will do nothing". We are saying that the enlightened soul first and always knows the truth, then takes whatever human footsteps he may be guided to take-sometimes it will be to do nothing,other times there will be an action of some sort.
> Flow Light to yourselves each day in your quiet time; seeing it flow from your heart center into your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies with the intention of clearing anything and everything of a lower resonance. Choose to clear all lingering energy of disease inheritance, religious vows, ancient promises, painful cellular memories, false beliefs, negative emotional energies, and everything within your energy fields still carrying and holding the lower frequencies, for now is the time for releasing, clearing, and letting go.
> It is very important to consciously cut any cords of attachment you may still have to people letting them go in the realization that every individual has a journey, a Higherself, and Guides to help them and they will find their way as you have. Cords are formed from an excessive negative or positive energy connection to certain people or things. Many times this will be a child. Often it is someone we have had many less than positive dealings with and wish to avoid. Usually it is someone we think about often. Energy cords, negative or positive can be brought with us from other life times and act to hold one in bondage to another person or something. Never be afraid to consciously release attachment cords. It is important and it is time.
> Releasing energy cords does not mean that you cannot have these people in your life, it means the relationship will become different and freer. As you sever any false sense of "NEED" for someone or something in your life, you begin to realize that no thing or person can make you more whole and complete than you already are. This realization is affecting many relationships based in old third dimensional beliefs especially if one partner understands this, and the other does not. Do an experiment--listen to the old love songs of the 40's and you will get a good example of attachment and the belief that one's good is outside of themselves. Most will experience a heaviness when listening to theses songs. It is the energy the song carries that you feel and no longer resonate with.
> Let go dear ones, let go. Nothing real can ever be lost, only seen and experienced on a higher level. Be not afraid to fall into the arms of truth, for what you find there will be much more than you could ever have imagined in the old and limited energy.
> Metaphysics is an attempt to change a bad picture into a good one through many and varied modalities. Mysticism is the realization that there is nothing to change. Right now all are being guided to move into mysticism; a truer way of seeing and believing. Metaphysics still works for many because it resonates with their state of consciousness. Most "spiritual" books available now are metaphysical, guiding the reader to do this or do that in order to move beyond problems and get more "spiritual". If you no longer resonate with these books and teachings then you are being guided to go beyond metaphysics and into mysticism--the realization that you already are and always have been-complete.
> It is time to let go of ALL that is old and finished, no matter how strongly you have believed you needed something in order to feel happy. This is ascension
> .
> We are the Arcturian Group 3/25/12.

Sunday, 1 April 2012

"I have decided to stick with love... Hate is too great a burden to bear." ~MLK.
Full Quote:
"I have also decided to stick with love, for I know that love is ultimately the only answer to mankind’s problems. And I’m going to talk about it everywhere I go. I know it isn’t popular to talk about it in some circles today. And I’m not talking about emotional bosh when I talk about love; I’m talking about a strong, demanding love. For I have seen too much hate… hate is too great a burden to bear. I have decided to love. If you are seeking the highest good, I think you can find it through love." ~ MLK

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Sacred Sites of Continetal Europe 

We apologize for any omissions. Listings are an attempt to be comprehensive , but may not necessarily include all locations and powernodes. Please email us if you have additional locations to report or suggest for Continental Europe. Anne

Cont Euro Sitres p-1