Sunday 12 February 2012



Light Work is a Spiritual discipline which is non-dogmatic, non-religious and Earth orientated with an alignment to the workings of the Cosmos. Participants are found in ever increasing numbers around the Globe. There is no one leader, but many facilitators as the teachings are Universal and are based on the understanding that all of Creation is One and within this Unity consciousness,each individual Soul has the potential to know themselves as part of the Divine. The journey for each Soul is unique and there is no end to the scope of the knowledge available.
The 'work' that is undertaken is the ability to focus and absorb Light in particular color frequencies determined by the Earth needs at the time. As well, sound frequencies and sacred geometric forms are utilized in the process.
Our beloved Earth is at a crisis point, not one to be feared but rather to be embraced. The Earth and everything and everyone on it, are being transformed into greater and more light filled expressions of the Creator. A huge change never before experienced in the evolution of the Earth and to be able to participate consciously in service to our Mother, is a wonderful gift and opportunity to not only serve, but to also increase our own spiritual vibration to be able to fully recognize and become One with All That Is.


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